We are happy to say that paper, Cesar: Visual representation of source code vulnerabilities, was just accepted at VizSec 2016. PhD student Hala Assal will present her work at the conference in Baltimore on October 24. … [Read more...] about Paper accepted at VizSec 2016
Christine successfully defends her Masters
Christine Mekhail successfully defended her MA (HCI) thesis today. Her thesis was called A day in the life of the Jos: the design of an educational game on privacy and involved collaboration with MediaSmarts. … [Read more...] about Christine successfully defends her Masters
Early Researcher Award
The Ontario government has announced the winners of the ERA - Early Researcher Awards for 2016. We were awarded a 5 year grant to support research in usable security for children. The Carleton news release is available here. … [Read more...] about Early Researcher Award
Paper accepted at AutomotiveUI 2016
Our paper entitled An Eye-tracking Evaluation of Driver Distraction and Unfamiliar Road Signs was recently accepted for publication at AutomotiveUI 2016. Stephanie Hurtado will present her work at the conference in Michigan in October. … [Read more...] about Paper accepted at AutomotiveUI 2016
Leah presents at IDC 2016
PhD Candidate Leah Zhang-Kennedy presented at the IDC 2016 conference in Manchester, UK. She presented her paper about children and parents' understanding of online privacy and a poster on her Cyberheroes interactive e-book. … [Read more...] about Leah presents at IDC 2016
APWG eCrime Honorable Mention
We are happy to share that our paper entitled Smells Phishy? An educational game about online phishing scams won an Honorable Mention for the Best Paper award at this year's APWG eCrime conference. The paper describes Malak's work on the design, development, and evaluation of a board game to teach about phishing. … [Read more...] about APWG eCrime Honorable Mention
SERENE Cybercrime 2 tutorial
Yesterday, we hosted the 2nd annual SERENE-RISC Cybercrime tutorial. This year's edition focused on the financial sector and was co-located with APWG eCrime in Toronto. With 60 attendees, the event was completely full. Our speakers covered cybercrime from the perspective of law enforcement investigations, examined trends in cybercrime over the last several years, discussed the use of Bitcoin and e-currencies, detailed how High Yield Investment programs work, discussed a fraud investigation … [Read more...] about SERENE Cybercrime 2 tutorial
CLUE program invited talks posted
As part of the CLUE (Collaborative Learning of Usability Experiences) program, we have had several invited guest speakers present on HCI topics. These presentations are now available on Youtube as part of the CLUE seminar series. … [Read more...] about CLUE program invited talks posted
Michael Lutaaya wins Apple scholarship
Undergraduate and former CHORUS lab Research Assistant Michael Lutaaya was recently awarded an Apple scholarship to attend their upcoming week-long WWDC Developers' Conference in June in San Francisco. To apply for the scholarship, he had to submit an app that he's worked on that shows creative use of Apple technologies and write an essay about his programming process. Apples says they received a record number of submissions and that the process was "extremely" competitive. … [Read more...] about Michael Lutaaya wins Apple scholarship
Dinner with the Minister of Science
Sonia was one of a handful of researchers invited by the Minister of Science's office to a Young Scientist dinner where she got to meet and discuss with Minister Kirsty Duncan. … [Read more...] about Dinner with the Minister of Science