I am a post-doctoral researcher working under the supervision of Dr. Sonia Chiasson. My PhD research was in designing and developing educational tools to improve K-12 students’ understanding of digital literacy and cybersecurity. Specifically, in collaboration with the non-profit MediaSmarts, I designed, developed, evaluated, and deployed a production quality digital literacy game (A Day in the Life of the JOs) for preteens in 300 Canadian elementary schools. MediaSmarts is a Canadian not-for-profit that promotes digital and media literacy in Canada.
Both my Masters and undergraduate theses were in usable security. In my Masters thesis, I designed, developed, and evaluated the usability and security of a novel authentication scheme for deformable displays. The novel scheme leveraged the new bend input modality of these devices and was developed using Arduino and Processing. My undergraduate thesis evaluated the security and usability of password strength-meters.
Research Interests
Usable Security, User Authentication, Educational Games, Persuasive Technology, Child-Computer interaction.
- Personal website: https://sanamaqsood.weebly.com
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sana-maqsood-b0150950
- Google scholar: https://scholar.google.ca/citations?user=lrdkySwAAAAJ&hl
Sana Maqsood and Sonia Chiasson. [Journal Article] The design, development, and evaluation of a cybersecurity and privacy game for tweens. ACM Transactions on Privacy & Security (TOPS), 2021.
@article{maqsood2021-design-jos-tops, title={[Journal Article] The design, development, and evaluation of a cybersecurity and privacy game for tweens}, author={Sana Maqsood and Sonia Chiasson}, journal={ACM Transactions on Privacy & Security (TOPS)}, volume={}, number={}, pages={}, year={2021}, publisher={ACM New York, NY, USA}, doi={10.1145/3469821}, note = {Articles} }
Sana Maqsood, Sonia Chiasson, and Audrey Girouard. [Journal Article] Bend Passwords: Using Gestures to Authenticate on Flexible Devices. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (Springer), page 1–28, 2016.
@article{maqsood2016bendpwd-puc, title = {[Journal Article] Bend Passwords: Using Gestures to Authenticate on Flexible Devices}, journal = {Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (Springer)}, pages = {1--28}, year = {2016}, author = {Sana Maqsood and Sonia Chiasson and Audrey Girouard}, doi={10.1007/s00779-016-0928-6}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00779-016-0928-6}, note = {Articles} }
Conference Papers
- Paulina Chametka, Sana Maqsood, and Sonia Chiasson. Security and Privacy perceptions of mental health chatbots. In Privacy, Security, and Trust (PST). IEEE 2023.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{chametka2023-chatbots-pst, title={Security and Privacy perceptions of mental health chatbots}, author={Paulina Chametka AND Sana Maqsood AND Chiasson, Sonia}, booktitle={Privacy, Security, and Trust ({PST})}, pages={}, year={2023}, publisher = {IEEE}, note = {Conference Papers}, doi = {} }
- Michael Shlega, Sana Maqsood, and Sonia Chiasson. [Paper] Users, Smart Homes, and Digital Assistants: Impact of Technology Experience and Adoption. In HCI International (HCII). Springer 2022.
@INPROCEEDINGS{shlega2022-smarthome-hcii, author = {Michael Shlega AND Sana Maqsood AND Sonia Chiasson}, title = {[Paper] Users, Smart Homes, and Digital Assistants: Impact of Technology Experience and Adoption}, booktitle = {HCI International ({HCII})}, publisher={Springer}, year = {2022}, note = {Conference Papers} }
- Michael Lutaaya, Hala Assal, Khadija Baig, Sana Maqsood, and Sonia Chiasson. [Paper] `Lose Your Phone, Lose Your Identity’: Exploring Users’ Perceptions and Expectations of a Digital Identity Service. In Workshop on Usable Security and Privacy (USEC). Internet Society 2021.
@INPROCEEDINGS{lutaaya2021-digital-id-usability-usec, author = {Michael Lutaaya AND Hala Assal AND Khadija Baig AND Sana Maqsood AND Sonia Chiasson}, title = {[Paper] `Lose Your Phone, Lose Your Identity': Exploring Users’ Perceptions and Expectations of a Digital Identity Service}, booktitle = {Workshop on Usable Security and Privacy ({USEC})}, publisher={Internet Society}, year = {2021}, note = {Conference Papers} }
- Daniela Napoli, Khadija Baig, Sana Maqsood, and Sonia Chiasson. [Paper] I’m Literally Just Hoping This Will Work: Obstacles Blocking the Online Security and Privacy of Users with Visual Disabilities. In Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS). USENIX Association 2021.
@inproceedings {napoli2021-obstaclesvisualdisabilities-soups, author = {Daniela Napoli AND Khadija Baig AND Sana Maqsood AND Sonia Chiasson}, title = {[Paper] I'm Literally Just Hoping This Will Work: Obstacles Blocking the Online Security and Privacy of Users with Visual Disabilities}, booktitle = {Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security ({SOUPS})}, year = {2021}, url = {https://www.usenix.org/conference/soups2021/presentation/napoli}, publisher = {USENIX Association}, note = {Conference Papers} }
- Sana Maqsood and Sonia Chiasson. [Paper] “They think it’s totally fine to talk to somebody on the internet they don’t know“: Teachers’ perceptions and mitigation strategies of tweens’ online risks. In SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). ACM, 2021.
@INPROCEEDINGS{maqsood2021-teacherstudy-chi, author = {Sana Maqsood AND Sonia Chiasson}, title = {[Paper] ``They think it's totally fine to talk to somebody on the internet they don't know``: Teachers' perceptions and mitigation strategies of tweens' online risks}, booktitle = {SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI)}, year = {2021}, note = {Conference Papers}, organization = {ACM} }
- Sana Maqsood, Christine Mekhail, and Sonia Chiasson. [Paper] A Day in the Life of Jos: A Web-based Game to Increase Children’s Digital Literacy. In Interaction Design and Children (IDC) 2018.
@INPROCEEDINGS{maqsood2018dayinthelife-idc, author = {Sana Maqsood AND Christine Mekhail AND Sonia Chiasson}, title = {[Paper] A Day in the Life of Jos: A Web-based Game to Increase Children's Digital Literacy}, booktitle = {Interaction Design and Children ({IDC})}, year = {2018}, note = {Conference Papers} }
Extended Abstracts and Workshop Papers
- Michael Lutaaya, Khadija Baig, Sana Maqsood, and Sonia Chiasson. [Extended Abstract] “I’m Not a Millionaire”: How Users’ Online Behaviours and Offline Behaviours Impact Their Privacy. In SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Late Breaking Work (CHI LBW). ACM, 2021.
@INPROCEEDINGS{lutaaya2021-discoverability-chi, author = {Michael Lutaaya AND Khadija Baig AND Sana Maqsood AND Sonia Chiasson}, title = {[Extended Abstract] ``I'm Not a Millionaire'': How Users' Online Behaviours and Offline Behaviours Impact Their Privacy}, booktitle = {SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Late Breaking Work (CHI LBW)}, year = {2021}, note = {Extended Abstracts and Workshop Papers}, organization = {ACM} }
Sumbal Maqsood, Sana Maqsood, Robert Biddle, and Sonia Chiasson. [Extended Abstract] An Exploratory Study of Children’s Online Password Behaviours. In Interaction Design and Children (IDC) Extended Abstracts. {ACM}, 2018.
@INPROCEEDINGS{maqsood2018-passwords-idc, author = {Sumbal Maqsood AND Sana Maqsood AND Robert Biddle AND Sonia Chiasson}, title = {[Extended Abstract] An Exploratory Study of Children's Online Password Behaviours}, booktitle = {Interaction Design and Children ({IDC}) Extended Abstracts}, year = {2018}, note = {Extended Abstracts and Workshop Papers}, organization = {{ACM}}, url={https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=3202185.3210772}, doi={10.1145/3202185.3210772} }
Sana Maqsood. [Extended Abstract] Evaluation of an Online Game to Increase Children’s Digital Literacy. SIGCHI Conference on Human factors in Computing Systems ({CHI}) Student Research Competition, 2018.
@MISC{maqsood2018evalgame-chisrc, author = {Sana Maqsood}, title = {[Extended Abstract] Evaluation of an Online Game to Increase Children's Digital Literacy}, howpublished = {SIGCHI Conference on Human factors in Computing Systems ({CHI}) Student Research Competition}, year = {2018}, url={https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3180307}, doi={10.1145/3170427.3180307}, note = {Extended Abstracts and Workshop Papers} }
- Sana Maqsood. [Extended abstract] Shoulder Surfing Susceptibility of Bend Passwords. In SIGCHI Conference on Human factors in Computing Systems (CHI) 2014.
@INPROCEEDINGS{maqsood2014shoulder-chi, author = {Sana Maqsood}, title = {[Extended abstract] Shoulder Surfing Susceptibility of Bend Passwords}, booktitle = {SIGCHI Conference on Human factors in Computing Systems (CHI)}, year = {2014}, note = {Extended Abstracts and Workshop Papers} }
- Sana Maqsood, Sonia Chiasson, and Audrey Girouard. [Workshop paper] A First Exploration of a Gesture Based Authentication Scheme for Flexible Displays. GRAND NCE Annual Conference, 2014.
[Bibtex]@MISC{maqsood2014firstexploration-grand, author = {Sana Maqsood AND Sonia Chiasson AND Audrey Girouard}, title = {[Workshop paper] A First Exploration of a Gesture Based Authentication Scheme for Flexible Displays}, howpublished = {GRAND NCE Annual Conference}, year = {2014}, note = {Extended Abstracts and Workshop Papers} }
- Sana Maqsood, Sonia Chiasson, and Audrey Girouard. [Extended abstract] Passwords on flexible display devices. In SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security, page 1469–1472 2013.
@INPROCEEDINGS{maqsood2013flexible-ccs, author = {Maqsood, Sana and Chiasson, Sonia and Girouard, Audrey}, title = {[Extended abstract] Passwords on flexible display devices}, booktitle = {SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security}, year = {2013}, pages = {1469--1472}, organization = ACM, note = {Extended Abstracts and Workshop Papers} }
Posters and Others
- Sana Maqsood and Sonia Chiasson. [Poster] A day in the life of the Jos: A web-based game to increase children’s digital literacy. Canadian Celebration of Women in Computing Conference ({CAN-CWiC}), 2017.
[Bibtex]@MISC{maqsood2017dayinthelife-cwic, author = {Sana Maqsood AND Sonia Chiasson}, title = {[Poster] A day in the life of the Jos: A web-based game to increase children's digital literacy}, howpublished = {Canadian Celebration of Women in Computing Conference ({CAN-CWiC})}, year = {2017}, note = {Posters and Others} }
- Christine Mekhail, Sana Maqsood, and Sonia Chiasson. [Poster] A Day in The Life of The JOs. Canadian Celebration of Women in Computing Conference ({CAN-CWiC}), 2016.
[Bibtex]@MISC{mekhail2016dayInLife-cwic, author = {Christine Mekhail AND Sana Maqsood AND Sonia Chiasson}, title = {[Poster] A Day in The Life of The JOs}, howpublished = {Canadian Celebration of Women in Computing Conference ({CAN-CWiC})}, year = {2016}, note = {Posters and Others} }
- Sana Maqsood, Sonia Chiasson, and Audrey Girouard. [Poster] Bend Passwords: Gesture Authentication on Flexible Devices. Canadian Celebration of Women in Computing Conference ({CAN-CWiC}), 2016.
[Bibtex]@MISC{maqsood2016bendPwds-cwic, author = {Sana Maqsood AND Sonia Chiasson AND Audrey Girouard}, title = {[Poster] Bend Passwords: Gesture Authentication on Flexible Devices}, howpublished = {Canadian Celebration of Women in Computing Conference ({CAN-CWiC})}, year = {2016}, note = {Posters and Others} }
- Sana Maqsood, Sonia Chiasson, and Audrey Girouard. [Poster] Bend passwords for flexible displays. CRA-W Graduate Cohort Workshop, 2014.
[Bibtex]@MISC{maqsood2014bend-craw, author = {Sana Maqsood AND Sonia Chiasson AND Audrey Girouard}, title = {[Poster] Bend passwords for flexible displays}, howpublished = {CRA-W Graduate Cohort Workshop}, year = {2014}, note = {Posters and Others} }
- Sana Maqsood and Sonia Chiasson. [Poster] Passwords on Flexible Display Devices. ISSNet Annual Workshop, 2013.
[Bibtex]@MISC{maqsood2014flexible-issnet, author = {Sana Maqsood AND Sonia Chiasson}, title = {[Poster] Passwords on Flexible Display Devices}, howpublished = {ISSNet Annual Workshop}, year = {2013}, note = {Posters and Others} }
- Sana Maqsood. [Thesis] The design, development, and evaluation of a digital literacy game for preteens. PhD thesis, School of Computer Science, Carleton University, 2020.
@PHDTHESIS{maqsood2020thesis-carleton, author = {Sana Maqsood}, title = {[Thesis] The design, development, and evaluation of a digital literacy game for preteens}, school = {School of Computer Science, Carleton University}, year = {2020}, note = {Theses} }
- Sumbal Maqsood. [Thesis] Children’s text password behaviors and parental advice. Master’s thesis, Human Computer Interaction, Carleton University, 2018.
@MASTERSTHESIS{maqsood2018thesis-carleton, author = {Sumbal Maqsood}, title = {[Thesis] Children's text password behaviors and parental advice }, school = {Human Computer Interaction, Carleton University}, year = {2018}, note = {Theses} }
- Sana Maqsood. [Thesis] Bend passwords: using gestures to authenticate on flexible displays. Master’s thesis, Human Computer Interaction, Carleton University, 2014.
@MASTERSTHESIS{maqsood2014thesis-carleton, author = {Sana Maqsood}, title = {[Thesis] Bend passwords: using gestures to authenticate on flexible displays}, school = {Human Computer Interaction, Carleton University}, year = {2014}, note = {Theses} }