Sonia will be presenting her work on designing for usable security to the Women in Cybersecurity (WiCyS) Windsor group on October 8. … [Read more...] about Sonia presents at the University of Windsor
New lab members
We have recently added three new members to CHORUS. Sveta Dobrynina is a 2nd year Masters of HCI student and both Max Keleher and Kazma Chaudhry are first year Masters of HCI students. Welcome to the group! … [Read more...] about New lab members
ACM WPES paper accepted
We are happy to learn that Vathsan's work on privacy and OAuth has recently been accepted at WPES 2021. Vathsan will present his research at the conference in November. The paper is entitled: Empirical Analysis and Privacy Implications in OAuth-based Single Sign-On Systems, by Srivathsan G. Morkonda, Sonia Chiasson, Paul C. van Oorschot . … [Read more...] about ACM WPES paper accepted
SOUPS Best Poster Award
We are excited to have been awarded the SOUPS 2021 Best Poster Award for Fiona and Kalpana's work: "I'll throw in a courtesy like": A poster about features, etiquette, and user privacy. The poster and associated extended abstract are available on the USENIX website. Congratulations Fiona and Kalpana! … [Read more...] about SOUPS Best Poster Award
SOUPS 2021 presentations
We had three papers presented at SOUPS this year. The papers and presentation videos are now available on the USENIX website. Khadija presented her work on the effect of media on the mental models of technical users Daniela presented her work on obstacles blocking the online security and privacy of users with visual disabilities Leah presented her work on the consumer perspectives on privacy regulations and corporate data practices … [Read more...] about SOUPS 2021 presentations
TBIT paper accepted
Our paper: Understanding Individual Differences: Factors Affecting Secure Computer Behaviour by Matthew Hull, Leah Zhang-Kennedy, Khadija Baig, and Sonia Chiasson has just been accepted in Transactions on Behaviour & Technology. It will appear in an upcoming edition. … [Read more...] about TBIT paper accepted
Jessica Rocheleau's paper, Privacy and Safety on Social Networking Sites: Autistic and Non-Autistic Teenagers’ Attitudes and Behaviors, has been accepted in ACM's Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI), and will appear in an upcoming issue. … [Read more...] about ACM TOCHI paper
USENIX Security 2021 paper
Our paper on work done in collaboration with researchers at ETH Zurich has just been accepted at USENIX Security 2021: Is Real-time Phishing Eliminated with FIDO? Social Engineering Downgrade Attacks against FIDO Protocols by Enis Ulqinaku, Hala Assal, AbdelRahman Abdou, Sonia Chiasson, Srdjan Čapkun. It will be presented at the virtual conference in August. … [Read more...] about USENIX Security 2021 paper
ACM TOPS paper
Sana Maqsood's journal paper, The design, development, and evaluation of a cybersecurity, privacy, and digital literacy game for tweens has just been accepted and will appear in an upcoming issue of ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security (TOPS). … [Read more...] about ACM TOPS paper
SOUPS 2021 papers
We are excited to be presenting the following three papers at this year's SOUPS 2021: ``I'm Literally Just Hoping This Will Work:'' Obstacles Blocking the Online Security and Privacy of Users with Visual Disabilities by Daniela Napoli, Khadija Baig, Sana Maqsood, Sonia Chiasson Replication: Effects of Media on the Mental Models of Technical Users by Khadija Baig, Elisa Kazan, Kalpana Hundlani, Sana Maqsood, Sonia Chiasson "Whether it's moral is a whole other story": Consumer … [Read more...] about SOUPS 2021 papers