Sonia and Leah gave a talk at the CCLA in Toronto on Nov 19. They spoke about usable privacy/security and digital literacy for children to a group of high school students involved in the Peer Privacy Protector program. These teens will take the information they learned through a series of presentations and develop educational materials for their peers. … [Read more...] about Canadian Civil Liberties Association presentation
Fall 2016 Convocation
Kalpana and Christine attended Convocation on Nov 12, each receiving their Masters degrees. Congratulations :) … [Read more...] about Fall 2016 Convocation
Cyber Summit 2016 in Banff
Sonia gave an invited presentation at the Cybera Cyber Summit 2016, held in Banff at the end of October. The theme for the conference was Using Technology Responsibly. Sonia presentation explored users' response to phishing and password rules, and proposed alternate system configurations that are less likely to lead to errors or misuse. … [Read more...] about Cyber Summit 2016 in Banff
Stephanie presents at AutoUI 2016
Stephanie Hurtado presented her paper, An Eye-tracking Evaluation of Driver Distraction and Unfamiliar Road Signs, at AutoUI 2016 in Ann Arbor, MI. … [Read more...] about Stephanie presents at AutoUI 2016
SERENE-RISC Fall 2016 workshop
The SERENE-RISC Fall Workshop, held in Ottawa at the end of October, had record attendance. Besides the panels and presentations, we added a Research and SME Showcase where SMEs could present their products and services, and graduate students could present their on-going research. From the lab, Kalpana presented her work with Bluink on a child-parent password manager. … [Read more...] about SERENE-RISC Fall 2016 workshop
Hala presents at VizSec 2016
PhD student Hala Assal presented her paper entitled Cesar: Visual representation of source code vulnerabilities at VizSec 2016 in Baltimore, MD … [Read more...] about Hala presents at VizSec 2016
Participant FB page
We've created a Facebook page to let people know of upcoming Carleton research studies where we are recruiting participants. If interested in getting these notices, please Like the page. We will only post studies cleared by the Carleton University Research Ethics Board and will not contact individual people directly. Feel free to share the link with others who might be interested. As human-computer interaction researchers, we … [Read more...] about Participant FB page
SERENE-RISC Fall 2016 Workshop
The SERENE-RISC Fall 2016 Workshop will be held at the Museum of Nature in Ottawa, Oct 26-27. Details are available here: The theme for this workshop is Governing Cybersecurity in the Canadian federal system: Intergovernmental Relations and Multilevel Governance. … [Read more...] about SERENE-RISC Fall 2016 Workshop
HCI lecture series at Carleton
Carleton is hosting a new lecture series on HCI. ABOUT THE USER: a brown bag lunch lecture series hosted by 1125@carleton in collaboration with NSERC CLUE (Collaborative Learning about Usability Experiences). Room 5110 Human Computer Interaction Building Carleton University, 12:00- 13:30pm. Visit for more information. Sessions include: 09.16.2016. WHAT DID THEY SAY? by Milica Stojmenovic (Computer Science Post Doc, Carleton University) 10.06.2016TALKING … [Read more...] about HCI lecture series at Carleton
Kalpana successfully completes her Masters
Kalpana Hundlani successfully completed her Masters of Computer Science today. Her thesis is entitled A parent-child password manager and explores how to make user authentication easier and safer for children. Congratulations Kalpana! … [Read more...] about Kalpana successfully completes her Masters