Recent graduate Hala Assal has been awarded a CHI Best Paper Award for her 2019 paper, “Think secure from the beginning”: A Survey with Software Developers. Hala will be presenting her work at the conference in Glasgow in May. Congratulations Hala!! … [Read more...] about Hala wins CHI Best Paper award
Sana wins Best Poster award
Last week, PhD student Sana Maqsood presented her research at the 2018 SERENE-RISC Annual Workshop. She won the Best Poster Award for her work on an educational game to teach tweens about digital literacy. Congratulations Sana! … [Read more...] about Sana wins Best Poster award
Daniela presents at CCS 2018
PhD student Daniela Napoli presented a poster at ACM CCS 2018 in Toronto. She discussed her work on usability issues hindering the accessibility of SSL warnings for visually impaired users. … [Read more...] about Daniela presents at CCS 2018
Sonia presents at Conference Board of Canada
Today, Sonia gave an invited talk about some of the lab's research and lessons relating to fostering a security mindset within organizations at the Conference Board of Canada's Centre for National Security Building a Security Culture conference. … [Read more...] about Sonia presents at Conference Board of Canada
SOUPS 2018 presentations
Hala, Reham, and Sonia attended SOUPS 2018 in Baltimore this week. Both presented work from their PhD theses. Hala talked about how software developers include security in the software development lifecycle. Reham talked about the concept of digital aging and ways to represent this on social media. Both papers are available on the USENIX website. Hala also presented her work on the motivators and deterrents to software security in the co-located WSIM workshop. … [Read more...] about SOUPS 2018 presentations
Sana presents at IDC 2018
We have just returned from Norway, where PhD student Sana Maqsood presented our work on the educational game A Day in the Life of the Jos. She discussed the design, development, and evaluation of the game. The paper is available on our publications page. Sana also presented a poster showcasing Sumbal Maqsood's research on password policies and children. … [Read more...] about Sana presents at IDC 2018
USENIX Security 2018 paper
We are happy to announce that our paper, The aftermath of a crypto-ransomware attack at a large academic institution, will be published at USENIX Security 2018. We will be presenting the work at the conference in Baltimore Aug 15-17. … [Read more...] about USENIX Security 2018 paper
Hala to present at WSIW 2018
PhD student Hala Assal will be presenting her paper, Motivations and Amotivations for Software Security: Preliminary Results, at the Workshop on Security Information Workers (WSIW). The workshop is co-located with SOUPS 2018 in Baltimore on August 12. … [Read more...] about Hala to present at WSIW 2018
Daniela presents at Accessibility Conference
On May 30, Daniela gave a talk on Design Tips to Help Non-Visual Visitors Stay Safe Online at the 10th annual Accessibility Conference held at the University of Guelph. This work was funded by an eCampus Ontario Digital Inclusion grant for 2017-18. Daniela will be continuing her research as she starts a PhD in the fall. … [Read more...] about Daniela presents at Accessibility Conference
CLUE Symposium
The first CLUE Symposium was held on May 17. It provided an opportunity for students, industry partners, and faculty members to network, hear about each others' work, and share their experiences with the CLUE internship program. Several CHORUS students presented their work. Yomna and her teammates presented a poster describing their research project on a wearable safety system for cyclists. Sana presented a poster on the digital literacy educational game for tweens, A Day in the Life … [Read more...] about CLUE Symposium