PhD student Jessica Rocheleau has been awarded a 4-year scholarship from SSHRC for her proposal entitled: A Nudge in the Right Direction: Enhancing Autistic Teenagers' Engagement and Safety on Social Media with an Emotion-Focused Nudging Tool. Congratulations Jessica! … [Read more...] about Jessica wins SSHRC CGS-D scholarship
Fiona defends her Masters
Fiona Westin defended her Masters in HCI this week. Her thesis was entitled: FoMO-Centricity: How social media's dark designs cause users to reluctantly give up their data. Congratulations Fiona! … [Read more...] about Fiona defends her Masters
Sandra’s CHI 2020 presentation
Sandra's CHI 2020 video presentation is now available. Her paper is in the ACM DL: Understanding Fitness Tracker Users' Security and Privacy Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviours … [Read more...] about Sandra’s CHI 2020 presentation
Reham’s CHI 2020 presentation
Reham's CHI 2020 video presentation is now available. Her paper in in the ACM DL: The Influence of Decaying the Representation of Older Social Media Content on Simulated Hiring Decisions … [Read more...] about Reham’s CHI 2020 presentation
Becky’s CHI 2020 presentation
Becky's CHI 2020 video presentation is now available. The paper is in the ACM DL: 'Lime', 'Open Lock', and 'Blocked': Children's Perception of Colors, Symbols, and Words in Cybersecurity Warnings. … [Read more...] about Becky’s CHI 2020 presentation
Khadija’s CHI 2020 presentation
Khadija's CHI 2020 video presentation is now available. The paper is also now in the ACM DL: "I'm hoping they're an ethical company that won't do anything that I'll regret": Users Perceptions of At-home DNA Testing Companies … [Read more...] about Khadija’s CHI 2020 presentation
Summer students in the lab
Although CHORUS has gone virtual for the foreseeable future, we are still actively doing research. We have several new summer undergraduate students joining us to learn about the research process and engage in research. Welcome to Hamza Sohail from Computer Science, Jarimey Rada from Interactive Multimedia & Design, Ivy (Jing) Cao from Interactive Multimedia & Design. Computer Science undergrad Sebastian Navas Chaparro has also returned to the lab for the summer. … [Read more...] about Summer students in the lab
Khadija wins Provost Award
Computer Science undergrad Khadija Baig has won a 2020 Provost Award for her outstanding contributions to research and outreach as an undergraduate student. Congratulations Khadija! The Carleton news article about the award and ceremony is available here: … [Read more...] about Khadija wins Provost Award
Hamza awarded i-CUREUS funding
Computer Science undergraduate Hamza Sohail has been awarded i-CUREUS funding to work in the CHORUS lab over the summer and conduct research on the implementation of educational games to teach digital literacy to children. Congratulations Hamza! … [Read more...] about Hamza awarded i-CUREUS funding
Sebastian receives USRA
Computer Science undergraduate student Sebastian Navas Chaparro has received an NSERC USRA award to conduct research in our CHORUS lab this summer. Congratulations Sebastian! … [Read more...] about Sebastian receives USRA