We are happy to announce that we have recently been awarded a $50,000 research grant from the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada to continue our work on devising infographics and interactive visualizations to improve young adults' understanding of online privacy and security. The press release is available here: http://www.priv.gc.ca/media/nr-c/2013/nr-c_130430_e.asp … [Read more...] about Awarded OPC Research Grant
Mobile HCI paper accepted
We are happy to announce that Hsin-Yi Chiang's paper entitled Improving user authentication on mobile devices: A Touchscreen Graphical Password was just accepted at MobileHCI, held in Munich Germany August 27-30, 2013. … [Read more...] about Mobile HCI paper accepted
U-PriSM 2 – cfp available, due May 10
We will be holding the 2nd Usable Privacy and Security for Mobile Devices (U-PriSM) workshop co-located with MobileHCI this year. The Call for Participation is available and submissions are due May 10, 2013. If you're interested in this area, come join us Munich! … [Read more...] about U-PriSM 2 – cfp available, due May 10
ISSNet Annual Workshop
We just returned from the ISSNet Annual Workshop, held in Victoria BC this year. Several students from the lab presented their work: Gerardo Reynaga gave a research talk about his work on the usability of captchas for mobile devices. Leah Zhang gave a research talk on her interactive comic for teaching about password guessing attacks. Vanessa Boothroyd presented a poster on her user study comparing older and younger adult's online behaviour and perception of online risk. Sana … [Read more...] about ISSNet Annual Workshop
CRA-W Graduate Cohort Workshop
Leah Zhang and Sana Maqsood were selected to attend the CRA-W Graduate Cohort worshop in Boston earlier this month. Both presented posters of their research. Leah presented her work on interactive visualizations to teach about password guessing attacks and Sana presented work on a gesture-based password system for flexible mobile displays. … [Read more...] about CRA-W Graduate Cohort Workshop
GRAND Research Note
Leah Zhang's short paper on security education visualizations has been accepted as a Research Note at the GRAND Annual Conference. … [Read more...] about GRAND Research Note
Hsin-Yi Chiang successfully defends his Masters thesis
We are very happy to announce that Hsin-Yi successfully defended his Masters thesis this morning. He is the first Masters student to officially graduate from the CHORUS lab. For his thesis, he designed and implemented a graphical password scheme for mobile devices. … [Read more...] about Hsin-Yi Chiang successfully defends his Masters thesis
COMP5900V – Winter 2013 Computer Security & Usability
I will be teaching a graduate level course on usable security this semester. It will be held as a 3-hour seminar-style class bright and early on Monday mornings starting January 7, 2013 in the new River Building. … [Read more...] about COMP5900V – Winter 2013 Computer Security & Usability
ACSAC 2012
We recently attended ACSAC in Orlando, FL where Daniel McCarney presented our paper on Tapas, a smartphone based password manager. … [Read more...] about ACSAC 2012
APWG eCrime – Finalist for Best Paper
I presented our eCrime paper, "Does Context Influence Responses to Firewall Warnings?", last week in Puerto Rico. We were happy to learn that we were finalist for the best paper award. It was my first time attending and I wasn't sure what to expect. The conference had a number of very interesting presentations from academia, industry, and government, mostly relating to phishing, but also online security in general. With just under 100 attendees, it was a good size for talking with people and … [Read more...] about APWG eCrime – Finalist for Best Paper