We are happy to hear that our paper, Choose Your Own Authentication, was accepted for publication at NSPW 2015. Robert Biddle will be presenting the work at the conference in Twente, The Netherlands, in September. … [Read more...] about NSPW 2015 paper
SOUPS 2015 presentations
Michael Lutaaya will be presenting a SOUPS 2015 poster, Password Rehearsal Memory Games, describing his work on a quick game to help users memorize a randomly generated password. Michael worked on this project as a first year undergraduate researcher in the lab. PhD student Leah Zhang-Kennedy will be presenting a SOUPS 2015 poster entitled Geo-Phisher: The Design of a Global Phishing Trend Visualization Tool based on a project completed with Elias Fares, an HCI student. Their tool … [Read more...] about SOUPS 2015 presentations
SOUPS paper accepted
Our paper, entitled User Perceptions of Sharing, Advertising, and Tracking, was accepted at SOUPS 2015. Farah started this research while taking the Computer Security & Usability graduate course, then continued the work in the following months. She explores users' opinion and preferences of online behavioural advertising across a variety of websites and tracking prevention tools. … [Read more...] about SOUPS paper accepted
CIRA funding received
We were very happy to be awarded a research grant from the Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA)'s Community Investment Program to study user authentication for children. The main purpose of this project is to explore which types of user authentication are most effective for children and make recommendations on the most appropriate configurations. … [Read more...] about CIRA funding received
Phishing paper to be published
We are pleased to announce that our recent paper, Why phishing still works: user strategies for combating phishing attacks, will be published in the International Journal of Human Computer Studies. A pre-print will be available shortly. Here is the abstract: We have conducted a user study to assess whether improved browser security indicators and increased awareness of phishing have led to users' improved ability to protect themselves against such attacks. Participants were shown a … [Read more...] about Phishing paper to be published
BHCI paper accepted
We are happy to announce that Gerardo Reynaga's paper, "Heuristics for the Evaluation of Captchas on Smartphones" has been accepted at British HCI 2015. Gerardo will be presenting his work at the conference in July. … [Read more...] about BHCI paper accepted
OPC funding
The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada has announced the winners of the 2015-16 Contributions Program grants. We were very happy to learn that our project on mobile privacy for children has been funded. The main purpose of this research is to improve children's understanding of mobile online privacy, enable them to recognize potentially risky situations, and empower them to better protect themselves. The official press release is here. … [Read more...] about OPC funding
Malak wins IEEE Award
Malak Baslyman recently won the IEEE First Place Poster Award at the University of Ottawa annual poster competition. She presented her Smells Phishy? game designed and developed for her final project in the Security & Usability graduate course. She was featured in the Ottawa Business Journal. … [Read more...] about Malak wins IEEE Award
Matthew defends his thesis
Matthew Hull successfully defended his MA HCI thesis this morning. His research focused on factors affecting secure end-user behaviour. Congratulations Matthew! The abstract of his thesis is: Understanding users’ individual differences may provide clues to help identify computer users who are prone to act insecurely. We examine factors that impact users’ reported security behaviour with respect to some common computer security issues. We conducted two online surveys with a total of 650 … [Read more...] about Matthew defends his thesis
SERENE April 2015 workshop
The SERENE-RISC April workshop was held at the Museum of Nature this week. It brought together over a hundred industry, academic, and government participants interested in building a healthy, secure, Canadian digital ecosystem. … [Read more...] about SERENE April 2015 workshop