Sonia gave a research seminar to computer science undergraduates at Colgate University in NY. She presented on the lab's phishing and text password authentication research. … [Read more...] about Invited talk: Colgate University
new journal paper – Bend Passwords
We are happy to announce our latest accepted journal article, based on Sana's Masters thesis: S. Maqsood, S. Chiasson, A. Girouard. Bend Passwords: Using Gestures to Authenticate on Flexible Devices. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Springer. … [Read more...] about new journal paper – Bend Passwords
Invited talk – Conference Board of Canada
Sonia recently gave an invited talk for the Conference Board of Canada's Cybersecurity: The Human Factor conference, held in Ottawa on February 10-11. The talk was titled Designing for Security: Users are not the weakest link. The talk explored the prevailing belief that user are the weakest link in the security chain and how this is counterproductive to achieving increased security, then discussed alternatives with a higher chance of improving security. … [Read more...] about Invited talk – Conference Board of Canada
CAN-CWiC participation
Several lab members had the opportunity to participate in the ACM Canadian Women in Computing conference, held in Ottawa Jan 22-23. Hala, Sana, and Reham gave a well-attended tutorial on Usable Security. Kalpana, Christine, Sana, and Hala each presented posters with some of their research. Sana won 3rd place overall in the poster competition! … [Read more...] about CAN-CWiC participation
Invited talk – CIRA
On January 20, Sonia visited the Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA) offices and gave a presentation about CHORUS's on-going research on user authentication for children. This work is partially funded through the .CA Community Investment Program. … [Read more...] about Invited talk – CIRA
Research talks
In December, Sonia visited and gave research talks at the Institute for Information Security at ETH, Zurich and at the Interaction Design Centre at Middlesex University in London, UK. … [Read more...] about Research talks
MUM 2015 conference
Hala Assal presented our paper What’s the deal with privacy apps? A comprehensive exploration of user perception and usability in Linz, Austria at the MUM 2015 conference . Hala took part in the Doctoral Consortium, presenting her work on collaborative security code reviews. … [Read more...] about MUM 2015 conference
SERENE Fall 2015 workshop
We held the SERENE-RISC Fall 2015 workshop at the Museum of Nature in Ottawa at the end of October. The presentations at the two-day event focused on Critical infrastructure protection, cybersecurity for consumers, alternative training approaches, data breaches, and emerging trends in cybercrime. … [Read more...] about SERENE Fall 2015 workshop
new IJHCI paper
Our paper: The Role of Instructional Design in Persuasion: A Comics Approach for Improving Cyber Security, by L. Zhang-Kennedy, S. Chiasson, R. Biddle, has been accepted for publication by the International Journal of Human Computer Interaction. It will appear in an upcoming special issue on Persuasive Interactive Systems. … [Read more...] about new IJHCI paper
MUM2015 paper accepted
We are happy to hear that our paper: What’s the deal with privacy apps? A comprehensive exploration of user perception and usability by Hala Assal, Stephanie Hurtado, Ahsan Imran and Sonia Chiasson has been accepted at Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM). Hala will be presenting the work in Linz, Austria at the end of November. … [Read more...] about MUM2015 paper accepted