Pam Briggs is visiting from Northumbria University. She will be giving a research talk at Carleton on Wednesday June 6, where she will be presenting her work on Using psychological models to inform human-centred cybersecurity. For more details, please visit this Event page. … [Read more...] about Prof Briggs to give talk on June 6
Daniela presents at Accessibility Conference
On May 30, Daniela gave a talk on Design Tips to Help Non-Visual Visitors Stay Safe Online at the 10th annual Accessibility Conference held at the University of Guelph. This work was funded by an eCampus Ontario Digital Inclusion grant for 2017-18. Daniela will be continuing her research as she starts a PhD in the fall. … [Read more...] about Daniela presents at Accessibility Conference
CLUE Symposium
The first CLUE Symposium was held on May 17. It provided an opportunity for students, industry partners, and faculty members to network, hear about each others' work, and share their experiences with the CLUE internship program. Several CHORUS students presented their work. Yomna and her teammates presented a poster describing their research project on a wearable safety system for cyclists. Sana presented a poster on the digital literacy educational game for tweens, A Day in the Life … [Read more...] about CLUE Symposium
Sonia presents at Ottawa Library
Sonia gave a talk at the Ottawa Library on Wednesday evening, as part of the library's Digital Literacy week. Her talk was on Staying Safe Online: Exploring Cyber Threats and Protection Strategies. … [Read more...] about Sonia presents at Ottawa Library
Daniela defends her Master’s thesis
Daniela Napoli has successfully defended her Masters. of HCI thesis, Accessible and Usable Security: Exploring Visually Impaired Users’ Online Security and Privacy Strategies. Congratulations Daniela! … [Read more...] about Daniela defends her Master’s thesis
SOUPS 2018 papers
We will be presenting two papers at SOUPS 2018 in Baltimore, Aug 12-14. Reham will be presenting her work on Online Privacy and Aging of Digital Artifacts. Hala will be presenting her work on Security in the Software Development Lifecycle. … [Read more...] about SOUPS 2018 papers
Prof. Pam Briggs visiting
We are happy to be hosting Professor Pam Briggs from Northumbria University, UK in the CHORUS lab for May and June. Pam's research is on identity, trust, and security. She is part of the Cybersecurity across the Lifespan (cSALSA) project. … [Read more...] about Prof. Pam Briggs visiting
TOPS paper accepted
Our paper has just been accepted for publication in the ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security: "Technological and Human Factors of Malware Attacks: A Computer Security Clinical Trial Approach" by Fanny Lalonde-Levesque, Sonia Chiasson, Anil Somayaji, Jose M. Fernandez. It will be available soon. … [Read more...] about TOPS paper accepted
CHORUS goes to CHI2018
Eight students from the lab attended CHI 2018 in Montreal. Jessica, Michael, Daniela, and Rebecca participated in Game Jam over the weekend, Reham presented in the Networked Privacy workshop, Daniela had a Late-Breaking-Work poster, and Sana, Michael, and Daniela participated in the Student Research Competition. … [Read more...] about CHORUS goes to CHI2018
CHI 2018 – SRC
Daniela, Sana, and Michael all presented their work at the CHI 2018 Student Research Competition. Michael made it into the finale and also presented a 5-minute talk. … [Read more...] about CHI 2018 – SRC