At the end of July, Gerardo presented his paper, The Usability of Captchas on Smartphones, at SECRYPT in Reykjavik, Iceland. … [Read more...] about Gerardo presents at SECRYPT
CCS 2013 paper accepted
We were happy to learn that our ACM CCS 2013 submission has been accepted for publication: "A Clinical Study of Risk Factors Related to Malware Infections" F. Lalonde-Levesque, J. Nsiempba, J. Fernandez, S. Chiasson, A. Somayaji. … [Read more...] about CCS 2013 paper accepted
Vanessa presents her paper at PST
Vanessa recently presented her paper, Writing down your password: Does it help?, at the PST conference in Tarragona, Spain. … [Read more...] about Vanessa presents her paper at PST
ISSNet final event
This year marks the fifth and final year of ISSNet. The last official event was held at the University of Calgary in July. We had presentations and discussions from academic, industry, and government representatives. It's been a great 5 years that provided many opportunities for networking and collaboration that would not have been possible otherwise. … [Read more...] about ISSNet final event
Usable security grad course – September 2013
I will be offering a graduate course in usable security in September 2013 (COMP5900-G Computer Security and Usability) . It will be a seminar, research-based course held 2:30-5:30 Wednesday afternoons. Email me if you have any questions about the course offering. … [Read more...] about Usable security grad course – September 2013
GRAND Annual Conference
Several members of our lab attended the GRAND Annual Conference in Toronto this year. We met with our DIGLT and PRIVNM colleagues working on digital games for learning and security in new media. Leah Zhang presented a research talk and a poster of her current research on interactive visualizations. … [Read more...] about GRAND Annual Conference
PST 2013 paper accepted
Vanessa Boothroyd's paper entitled "Writing down passwords: does it help?" has been accepted at PST 2013. She will be presenting her work at the conference in July in Tarragona, Catalonia. … [Read more...] about PST 2013 paper accepted
SECRYPT paper accepted
Gerardo Reynaga's paper, The Usability of Captchas on Smartphones, has been accepted at SECRYPT 2013. Gerardo will present his work in Reykjavik, Iceland at the end of July. … [Read more...] about SECRYPT paper accepted
U-PriSM 2 deadline extended
The submission deadline for U-PriSM 2 has been extended to May 20, 2013. If you are working in the usable security and privacy of mobile devices, consider submitting a paper. … [Read more...] about U-PriSM 2 deadline extended
Gerardo successfully defends his PhD Proposal
Congratulations to Gerardo Reynaga who successfully defended his PhD thesis proposal: The usability and security of captchas on mobile devices. … [Read more...] about Gerardo successfully defends his PhD Proposal