Several members of our group will be presenting their research at the 2014 GRAND annual conference in May. Sana Maqsood has an RNote short paper on A First Exploration of a Gesture Based Authentication Scheme for Flexible Displays. Hala Assal has an RNote short paper on Tor for All: A Usability Study of Tor-enabled Mobile Apps. Leah Zhang-Kennedy and Christine Mekhail have a poster entitled Visualizations to Teach about Mobile Online Privacy. Vanessa Boothroyd has a poster entitled Older … [Read more...] about GRAND RNotes and posters
Persuasive Technology 2014
We will be attending Persuasive Technology 2014 in Padua Italy in May. Leah Zhang-Kennedy will be presenting her full-length paper “Stop clicking on “update later”: Persuading users they need up-to-date antivirus protection”. She will also be presenting at the Doctoral Consortium. Our poster, entitled "Visualizations to Teach about Mobile Online Privacy", by Christine Mekhail and Leah Zhang-Kennedy was also accepted for presentation. … [Read more...] about Persuasive Technology 2014
CHORUS students secure internship positions
Two of our Masters students have successfully secured internship positions. Stephanie Hurtado and Ahsan Imran will be gaining industry experience at Blackberry and Espial Group. … [Read more...] about CHORUS students secure internship positions
CHI SRC paper accepted
Sana Maqsood submission to the 2014 CHI Student Research Competition has been accepted. She will present her paper, Shoulder Surfing Susceptibility of Bend Passwords, in Toronto in May. … [Read more...] about CHI SRC paper accepted
Persuasive Technology paper accepted
Leah Zhang-Kennedy's paper entitled "Stop clicking on "update later": Persuading users they need up-to-date antivirus protection" has just been accepted at Persuasive Technology 2014, which will be held in Padua, Italy in May. … [Read more...] about Persuasive Technology paper accepted
USEC paper accepted
Our paper, "Survey on the Fate of Digital Footprints after Death", was recently accepted at USEC 2014, co-located with NDSS. … [Read more...] about USEC paper accepted
Renovation progress
Things are starting to come together nicely... the rooms are built, the furniture is in... now we just need equipment! … [Read more...] about Renovation progress
Renovations have begun
We are very excited to have the renovations begin in the CHORUS lab. The first step was to label everything for removal, then painting, then the new walls started coming up. We're trying hard to stay out of the way of the construction workers, but we keep going to peek to see the progress! When all is done, it'll have 3 rooms set up for running experiments and an open-space for group stuff. … [Read more...] about Renovations have begun
Our work at ACM CCS
Fanny Lalonde-Levesque presented our paper on A Clinical Study of Risk Factors Related to Malware Infections at ACM CCS in Berlin, Germany. Sana Maqsood presented her work on bendable passwords for flexible displays … [Read more...] about Our work at ACM CCS
HCI Masters grad featured in news article
Leah Zhang-Kennedy was recently featured in Carleton's The Graduate Newsletter. See the article here: … [Read more...] about HCI Masters grad featured in news article