Leah attended Convocation this week, receiving her PhD in Computer Science. Congratulations Leah! … [Read more...] about June 2017 Convocation
CRC in User Centric Cybersecurity
Sonia's Canada Research Chair in User Centric Cybersecurity has been renewed for an additional 5 years. … [Read more...] about CRC in User Centric Cybersecurity
Paper accepted in IJCCI
Our paper, Cyberheroes: The Design and Evaluation of an Interactive Ebook to Educate Children about Online Privacy, has been accepted in the International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction. It will appear in an upcoming issue. … [Read more...] about Paper accepted in IJCCI
Presenting at CyberSmart 2017
Sonia will be a panelist on the Canadian Cyber R&D Agenda panel at the CyberSmart 2017 summit on Canadian Cybersecurity Education and Workforce Development in Fredericton, NB on May 24-25. … [Read more...] about Presenting at CyberSmart 2017
Paper accepted at British HCI
Our paper, Comics as Persuasion for Children's Online Privacy Education, was accepted for publication at British HCI 2017. Leah Zhang-Kennedy will present the work at the conference in July. … [Read more...] about Paper accepted at British HCI
Paper accepted in IEEE Internet Computing
We are happy to announce that our paper about online advertising an tracking will be published in an upcoming issue of IEEE Internet Computing: Farah Chanchary, Yomna Abdelaziz, Sonia Chiasson. Sharing, Advertising, and Tracking in an Online World. IEEE Internet Computing (to appear) … [Read more...] about Paper accepted in IEEE Internet Computing
Leah successfully defends her PhD
Today, Leah Zhang-Kennedy successfully defended her PhD Thesis, entitled Multimedia Approaches for Improving Children's Privacy and Security Knowledge and Persuading Behaviour Change. Congratulations Dr. Leah! :) … [Read more...] about Leah successfully defends her PhD
Paper accepted at MobileHCI 2017
Over the last year, we have been working with Bluink on an alternative authentication mechanism for children. We were happy to hear that a paper summarizing some of that work has been accepted at MobileHCI 2017. The paper is: No passwords needed: The iterative design of a parent-child authentication mechanism, by Kalpana Hundlani, Sonia Chiasson, Larry Hamid. … [Read more...] about Paper accepted at MobileHCI 2017
Presenting at the Research Money Annual Conference
Sonia will be a panelist on the Leveraging Emerging Technologies panel at the 2017 Research Money Annual Conference held in Ottawa, April 4-5. … [Read more...] about Presenting at the Research Money Annual Conference
Paper accepted at Social Media & Society 2017
We are pleased to hear that our paper entitled When private and professional lives meet: The impact of digital footprints on employees and political candidates” by PhD students Reham Mohamed and Thais Bardini Idalino has been accepted at Social Media & Society 2017. We will be presenting the work at the conference in Toronto, July 28-30. … [Read more...] about Paper accepted at Social Media & Society 2017