Yomna worked on her Masters of HCI in the CHORUS lab.
Research Interests
Usable security, privacy, user-centred design.
Farah Chanchary, Yomna Abdelaziz, and Sonia Chiasson. [Journal Article] Privacy Concerns Amidst OBA and the Need for Alternative Models. IEEE Internet Computing, (2):52–61, 2018.
@article{chanchary2018sharing-ic, title = {[Journal Article] Privacy Concerns Amidst OBA and the Need for Alternative Models}, journal = {IEEE Internet Computing}, pages = {52--61}, year = {2018}, number = {2}, volumne = {22}, author = {Farah Chanchary AND Yomna Abdelaziz AND Sonia Chiasson}, doi = {10.1109/MIC.2017.3301625}, note = {Articles} }
Leah Zhang-Kennedy, Yomna Abdelaziz, and Sonia Chiasson. [Journal Article] Cyberheroes: The Design and Evaluation of an Interactive Ebook to Educate Children about Online Privacy. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, Elsevier, 2017.
@article{zhang-kennedy2017cyberheroes-ijcci, title = {[Journal Article] Cyberheroes: The Design and Evaluation of an Interactive Ebook to Educate Children about Online Privacy}, journal = {International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, Elsevier}, pages = {}, year = {2017}, author = {Leah Zhang-Kennedy AND Yomna Abdelaziz AND Sonia Chiasson}, doi={10.1016/j.ijcci.2017.05.001}, url={https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijcci.2017.05.001}, note = {Articles} }
Conference Papers
- Yomna Abdelaziz, Daniela Napoli, and Sonia Chiasson. [Paper] End-users and service providers: trust and distributed responsibility for account security. In Privacy, Security, and Trust (PST). IEEE, 2019.
@INPROCEEDINGS{abdelaziz2019-responsibility-pst, author = {Yomna Abdelaziz AND Daniela Napoli AND Sonia Chiasson}, title = {[Paper] End-users and service providers: trust and distributed responsibility for account security }, booktitle = {Privacy, Security, and Trust (PST)}, year = {2019}, note = {Conference Papers}, organization = {IEEE} }
- Leah Zhang-Kennedy, Christine Mekhail, Yomna Abdelaziz, and Sonia Chiasson. [Paper] From Nosy Little Brothers to Stranger-Danger: Children and Parents’ Perception of Mobile Threats. In Interaction Design and Children (IDC). ACM, 2016.
@INPROCEEDINGS{zhang-kennedy2016-kidsmobile-idc, author = {Leah Zhang-Kennedy AND Christine Mekhail AND Yomna Abdelaziz AND Sonia Chiasson}, title = {[Paper] From Nosy Little Brothers to Stranger-Danger: Children and Parents’ Perception of Mobile Threats}, booktitle = {Interaction Design and Children ({IDC})}, year = {2016}, note = {Conference Papers}, organization = {ACM} }
Posters and Others
- Heather Qian, Siqi Luo, Tashia Nasir, and Yomna Abdelaziz. [Poster] Smart Helmet and Wristbands: Design and Testing of a New Wearable Safety System for Cyclists. {CLUE} First Annual Symposium, 2018.
@MISC{qian2018-bicycle-clue, author={Heather Qian AND Siqi Luo AND Tashia Nasir AND Yomna Abdelaziz}, title = {[Poster] Smart Helmet and Wristbands: Design and Testing of a New Wearable Safety System for Cyclists}, year = {2018}, howpublished = {{CLUE} First Annual Symposium}, note = {Posters and Others} }
- Yomna Abdelaziz. [Thesis] Responsibility, Trust, and Monitoring Tools for End-User Account Security. Master’s thesis, Human Computer Interaction, Carleton University, 2018.
@MASTERSTHESIS{abdelaziz2018thesis-carleton, author = {Yomna Abdelaziz}, title = {[Thesis] Responsibility, Trust, and Monitoring Tools for End-User Account Security }, school = {Human Computer Interaction, Carleton University}, year = {2018}, note = {Theses} }