This is a collection of random items that lab members find useful.
Day to Day
Trello: This site helps us keep track of conference deadlines, the status of papers, and potential journal publication venues.
Fall 2014 CHORUS meeting_schedule
Research, Posters, and User Studies
Poster design advice: This is a nice tutorial for making beautiful posters. I thought it was a good set of guidelines if you don’t know where to start (or if you’re like me, and can never remember what you’re doing!)
Guidelines and tutorial for making beautiful posters:
Software and Tools
Mturk alternative geared towards academic research
Chrome mobile emulation plug-in
- For those programming for mobile Screencasting - Blog–cms-20850
Mendeley: This program helps organize, keep track and share your bibliography, PDFs, citations, references, etc. It’s a quick way to search for keywords in a set of PDFs. One of the reasons I like it is because it helps sync your files between computers. I work on more than one computer (desktop and laptop) and I find this really useful. They have the program (Linux, OS X, Windows), an app for iPhone & iPad and a web interface.
ACM DL App (Android or Apple): This app saves you time to search and download for PDFs onto your tablet or smartphone. It saves the authentication hustle when you are not at Carleton. You can browse their magazines and journals, and search proceedings among other things.